The National Careline Blog

Making your Will or a Lasting Power of Attorney during a Pandemic
05 May 2020
Having legal documents such as Wills and Lasting Powers of Attorney in place and up to date is good practice at any time. With so much uncertainty and concern surrounding the current COVID-19 Pandemic, many of us are perhaps more aware of ensuring our affairs are in order. Dying Intestate If you die without making […]

Coronavirus Act 2020 – Emergency legislation
24 April 2020
The Coronavirus Act 2020 came into force on 25th March 2020 and extensively changed many of the duties and responsibilities that public bodies were following in the existing legislation under the Care Act 2014. The new Act created a range of emergency measures to help the care system manage the extra pressures caused by the […]

Funeral Planning in a Pandemic
15 April 2020
It is an inescapable fact that many thousands of people are likely to die from Covid-19 over the next few weeks and months and the rules regarding attendance at their funerals will continue to be severely restricted. The severity of the effects of Covid-19 have resulted in the untimely deaths of more than 10,000 hospital […]

Acting on behalf of someone else
02 April 2020
In these troubled times where elderly and vulnerable people are being shielded by family, younger friends or volunteers to protect them from catching Coronavirus, it is very likely that some people will need to collect pensions or benefits on someone’s behalf. If you have to deal with another person’s pension or benefits, or you want […]

The National Careline Helpline and The Royal British Legion
17 March 2020
At The National Careline Helpline we take many calls from people, or from their families on their behalf, who are unwell and not able to manage anymore. They may be at home and unable to cope or in hospital and not able to return home. Either way, they and their families are really unsure and […]