Check on Your Neighbour
I know that everyone leads busy lives but, if you have elderly neighbours, do keep an eye out for them. They are more vulnerable than the rest of us, especially in extreme weather conditions such as heatwaves and when winter is here.
Think neighbour, when you receive alerts for severe conditions.
These are the times when the elderly and those needing care are especially vulnerable. This situation is compounded with the current cut-backs in services, resulting in fewer people available to check on those who are at risk to ensure that they are safe and well.
Being a good neighbour also means to pop round and have a cuppa, as so many older people are lonely and their four walls are their prison. In fact they would have more company if they were, in fact, in prison. When you visit, you may be the only person they have spoken to for days.
Remember, older people’s welfare is everyone’s problem, like it is for elder abuse. We all need to play our part.

This is why we at The National Careline have launched our CHECK YOUR NEIGHBOUR campaign.
Become a good neighbour to the elderly people in your community because it is no use leaving it all to the Social Services Departments – they will be flat out taking care of their own caseloads anyway.
When you are out and about, is it really any trouble to pick up some extra essential supplies such as bread and milk and take them to your elderly neighbours or those needing assistance?
This applies to those living in towns as much as those in country areas as, even if access is reasonable, all other resources could already be fully committed.
It doesn’t take much time to be a good neighbour - just to check someone is safe, warm and well.
Knock on the door and ask if they are ok, are they warm and well? Have they got essential supplies like bread and milk?
Or pick up the phone, call them and ask if they are ok, do they need any shopping done – a few items collected when you go to the shops yourself. Spend a few minutes having a chat.
This isn’t to be a nosy neighbour, remember that in extreme conditions, your actions could save someone’s life and if things are ok, you will brighten someone’s day.