Personal Budgets Helpline
Telephone: 0300 555 1525.
Opening hours: 9.30am -1.30pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays
The Personal Budgets Helpline telephone and email service (formerly the Self Directed support Line) at Disability Rights UK is an advice service that is open for individuals and organizations to provide information on Personal budgets as part of the Personalisation agenda. The Advisor on the helpline will explain to you the concept of personal budgets in relation to the care and support services and how to access social care funding in the light of the Care Act.

The Personal Budgets Helpline gives information on the national eligibility criteria for social care funding, care needs assessments and care and support planning as well as the national eligibility criteria and non-residential community care charges.
It also offers advice on managing self-operated care packages (such as opening a separate bank account and keeping a record of how the budget is spent), including general advice to potential users of direct payments and self-funders on the responsibilities and legal requirements involved in employing staff/personal assistants who support you in everyday life.
The Personal Budgets Helpline does not advise on social security benefits, equipment/aids and discrimination related issues.