The National Careline Blog

Benefits Card 20/21 Now Available
21 September 2020
A quick blog post to let everyone know our Benefits Card for 2020/2021 is now available to buy. At The National Careline we continue to produce informative guides to help you. The most popular is the Benefits Rates Card which is updated every year and details your entitlements. Make sure that you’re not missing out […]

21 August 2020
We shouldn’t complain about the hot weather we’ve had over the past few weeks really, but please remember that not everyone can tolerate it. Some people are very affected by extreme heat. When weather conditions are extreme, whether hot or cold, the elderly and those needing care are especially vulnerable. This situation is compounded with […]

Are You Shopping Online?
21 July 2020
As more people are turning to shopping online and more are doing it for the first time, I thought this timely alert from Action Fraud was a valuable thing to post. If it stops one case of fraud it will be worth it. Are You Shopping Online? Have you bought anything online recently?… Almost 34% […]

Funding care fees. A dilemma without a rehearsal
01 July 2020
I was recently approached by a friend (Emma) enquiring into the options of paying for care home fees for her 90 year old father (Peter), a widower, who has dementia and couldn’t live at home safely anymore. Emma inherited her mother’s half of the property and is a tenant in common with her father. She […]

Are you part of the ‘Sandwich Generation?’
17 June 2020
The sandwich generation is a term which refers to adults, often in their 30s, 40s and 50s who are caught between caring for ageing parents and bringing up their own dependent children. According to a new report from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) the number of people in this trap is rising rapidly. The […]

Emergency Financial Advice
12 May 2020
The idea was the brainchild of Better Retirement’s Billy Burrows who has set up a new website called where people can ask a question or book a free call with a financial adviser. Better Retirement and The National Careline are one of over 50 financial advisers who are supporting the Emergency Financial Advice project […]