The National Careline Blog
Making your Will or a Lasting Power of Attorney during a Pandemic
05 May 2020
Having legal documents such as Wills and Lasting Powers of Attorney in place and up to date is good practice at any time. With so much uncertainty and concern surrounding the current COVID-19 Pandemic, many of us are perhaps more aware of ensuring our affairs are in order.
Dying Intestate
If you die without making a Will (this is called “intestate”), the Rules of Intestacy will apply to your estate – everything you own – which may mean that your assets do not pass to your loved ones in the way you would wish. It is therefore vital that you make a valid Will and appoint your trusted Executors to make sure you benefit the people you choose after your death.
Help with Finances and Health Concerns
Lasting Powers of Attorney (“LPA”) allow you to appoint your choice of “Attorneys” who will act on your behalf if you are either unable to make sound decisions for yourself, or if you are unable to communicate your wishes. There are two types of LPA – one that deals with your property and financial affairs, and one that deals with your health and welfare. You can either make one or both LPAs at any time.
How to make a Will or Lasting Power of Attorney
With the current isolation and social distancing rules in operation, making these arrangements is more difficult than usual. We can no longer just pop into a local solicitor or arrange for a home visit from an Estate Planning professional.
There are many providers of online Wills that may seem to offer the ideal solution; however be aware that the information they gather to generate your Will is generic and you may not receive all the advice you would gain from a personal consultation with legal professional. It is wise to get some professional advice to ensure your Will is both legally binding and fully satisfies your wishes.
A legal professional will also be able to ensure that your Will utilises the planning opportunities within current legislation to efficiently distribute your assets to your intended beneficiaries.
You can make your LPA application online; visit GOV.UK and search for Lasting Powers of Attorney. You can either download the forms or complete the application online. There is lots of information and help to complete the application.
Again, many clients benefit from using a legal professional to arrange LPAs.
Help from The National Careline
The National Careline has a team of Legal and Estate Planning professionals who would be happy to arrange your Will or Lasting Powers of Attorney for you if you feel unable to complete online applications yourself. We can simply assist in completing the forms or provide advice and guidance on the best solutions for your personal circumstances. We can also offer assistance with the correct signing and witnessing of these documents whilst adhering to social distancing rules.
Next steps
If you would like help with making a Will or Lasting Power of Attorney, please contact Victoria Milsom either by email: or ring our freephone helpline on 0800 0699 784.
Keep well and stay safe.