Care Support & Help
What We Do
The National Careline provides support and information to the elderly, their carers and their families. We provide help and assistance by way of our free helpline 0800 0699 784, and website that offers lots of advice and information relevant to the needs and aspirations of older people.
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Make A Donation
Would you consider funding our work in the community with a donation or sponsorship or maybe you would like to leave us a gift in your will?
This will help us to meet the costs of keeping The National Careline going. It also ensures that the service is there for others to use in their time of need.
It will benefit older people and their families who are struggling to find their way through the care maze trying to find the right care for their loved ones.
Older people are very vulnerable and families need advice and help to ensure that the correct documents are in place to protect them from financial abuse. Help us to help them.
All donations are ring-fenced and used to support The National Careline website which is free to use, and to keep the telephone helpline freely available to all.

The National Careline Directory
Find your nearest Care Provider and local businesses offering care services to support you and your family.
Latest Blog Post
#3 Steps to Protect
19 October 2023This week we are sending out a message with a difference. Whilst this new campaign isaimed at school communities, along with a competition for students with a great prize to bewon, we really need the support of grandparents, parents and teachers alike to get youngpeople involved.Over half of all crime is now online fraud and […]
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We are an organisation devoted to helping people throughout the care journey, from retirement, through care at home, to finding a suitable care home. Upon assessment some people must pay for their care and others receive care under the NHS Continuing Care provisions. This is a very difficult time in people’s lives and we are here to help throughout. We offer guidance on all later life care matters, such as ways of funding care, together with specialist advice on wills, Lasting Power of Attorney and Deputyship.
The National Careline is a trading style of Carehelpline Limited incorporated at Companies House under number 07297693.