The National Careline Blog

Home Selling Fraudsters
17 January 2022
What would you do if you returned home after an extended stay away to discover that your home was in the process of being sold without your knowledge? This all sounds a little far-fetched doesn’t it but, did any of you hear the December 27th edition of You and Yours on Radio 4 about […]

Are older people’s rights being eroded by the application of too many rules now??
01 November 2021
On several occasions I have had callers say that they cannot visit their loved ones in a care home when they want to. They can’t take Mum or Dad back to their old home to enjoy some time there and gather more belongings that they would like with them in the home. I know we’ve […]

Challenging decisions on adult social care
21 July 2021
I received an invitation today asking me to take part in the newly launched inquiry by the Equality and Human Rights Commission into the challenging decisions made by adult social care in England and Wales. Now, on The National Careline helpline, we receive many calls on this issue and help people to make their way […]

The Right Move?
17 June 2021
The right move?: it’s difficult making housing decisions in later life Written by Barbara Davies, founder of The National Care Line About 5 years ago I read the latest All Party Parliamentary Group on Housing and Care for Older People inquiry report, ‘Housing our Ageing Population: Positive Ideas’. At the time I was approaching […]

A short break?
02 June 2021
We’ve had Brexit, Covid, Lockdowns in triplicate and by now, most people are feeling more than a little weary with it all. So what do we have to do if we have a chance to get away. A short break or just a change of scenery would be relished but with so many destinations still […]

Digital Assets
10 May 2021
Our blog this month coincides with Dying Matters Awareness Week and we feature a guest post from Martyn Milsom of Milsom Consulting Ltd. He is a member of the Society of Will Writers, Chartered Insurance Institute and Certified Certificate Providers with the Office of the Public Guardian. Digital Assets: a key theme for Dying Matters […]